Friday, September 12, 2008

Constantine's Sword & Shovel

Dad -

I suspect that I'll vote for Barack, as I believe his religious convictions are false. His cynical use of religion - necessary for politcal gains in black Chicago and beyond - is merely that, and nothing more. Given my religous bent, thanks in part to you, I find that my instinct in Barack's lack of belief much more comforting than the instincts being alerted by the strength of the religious convictions of his counterpart's sexy new mouthpiece.

But that's not the only reason I'll vote for him. Including the obvious Hawai'i / Punahou sentiments, I'll vote for him because he has more in common with me, philosophically, than does John McCain. It stands to reason: because I like me, and because he's like me, I'll have to vote for this chap.

And then there's the deeper philosophical vein pulsing in me, giving rise to my ideas and subsequent voter action: the human is designed as a social beast, and should be organizing itself in this way - the way of socially driven politics. I appreciate the apparatus of the ant colony, with all separate parts working in unision for the greater good. This is clearly a communist society metaphor, and just as in the ant colony, the communist society tends to be brutish and short-lived, depressing and thoughtless.

I expect Barack to be an American as much as I am, respecting the rights of the individual and of the remaining dictates laid out by the US Constitution. We have a shared belief: that this latest war was wrong, run by wrong-headed people. Again, given my bent, I can verbalize my beliefs further, where Barack has the necessity of silence: that the continuation of a Christian-leaning political institution is framework for the repeat of terrible history - it's letting the anti-semitic camel's nose back under the tent - way under.

Also in the balancing act of my ideas, the religious contingent insinuated into the Right is as abhorrent to me as the anti-religious communists shouting loudest on the Left. Communism and Christianity doesn't work for the people, but it sure works for the corrupt, impenetrable and anti-semitic ruling classes - just ask our own ancestors how either worked for them.

Be careful of the sabered war hero and the sweetly singing angel over his shoulder: both have long represented the evil characters in our Jewish history. Vote for change, and then do it again. Then, and only then, when both of Barack's terms are up, will we find someother jackass or elephant to get behind (and clean up after their shit, too).


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